Thursday, 23 December 2010

Quickly falling behind

So how are the Christmas preparations coming along for you this year? If you're anything like me, you're disorganised, behind with everything and haven't wrapped any presents yet.

Sadly, delivery companies have missed the boat too and half of my orders haven't arrived - note to self, order before 20th December next year.

As a "motivational guru for the menopause generation" (according to the Robin Hood Review, our local newspaper) I should know better and will be building Christmas time management into one of my future courses. Heaven only knows where the time goes during December!

The only thing I am organised with is Christmas cards which all went out weeks ago, thanks to lovely Paula. She invited me, Aurora and Mel to her house for a girls' night in during November and, after a wonderful winter supper, we wrote all of our cards. Sadly our writing deteriorated as we worked our way through our address books and wine bottles. Therefore, there's no guarantee that Alan and Mary Youngs' card arrived but the thought was there.

Dashing out now to buy a turkey crown (you can't beat Marks) and I'm praying someone, somewhere has some sprouts left.

Good luck with the rest of your preparations and have a lovely Christmas.

Judi xxx

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