Saturday, 4 December 2010

Really going to finish it this time!

I know, I know.

You've heard it all before

But this time I definitely mean that I'm going to finish The Accidental Guru.

I've taken a year out to study (very hard) for a degree and this hasn't left any time for writing (or sleep, come to that). As a result, I'm just getting to the revision stage on my first draft, am filling in plot holes and generally making The Accidental Guru a much more exciting read.

I can't tell you how much I've missed chatting with Judi, Aurora, Paula and Mel and will be bringing you updates again very soon.

Sorry it's been so long.

Laura X

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @bookslimited


Lizzie said...

I'm sure you will finish it! And I love how you have your characters talking on your blog.

I finished my novel. It got a very good and encouraging critique from the RNA New Writers' Scheme. I've just sent out the first three chapters to Darley Anderson ... so bracing myself for their return!

And I'm three chapters into my new novel. With over two weeks off during Christmas, I'm hoping that I'll be well into it by New Year.



Lizzie said...
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Lizzie said...

Sorry – don't know why it repeated my comments ... they weren't that brilliant!

Laura Essendine said...

Thanks so much for getting in touch, Lizzie. Good luck with the agent - PLEASE let me know how you get on. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Are you the Twitter Lizzie? (Sorry, that sounds like an insult!) If so, DM me at @bookslimited so we can swap emails x