Thursday, 21 May 2009

Twittering on

I've finally joined the Twitter Generation and registered as Bookslimited/ Laura Essendine. If anyone out there would like to give me a tweet, I'd love to hear from you, particularly if you're a writer too or if you have comments on The Accidental Guru.

I've also opened a profile on The Red Room and hope to be uploading work there too for critique and to connect with other writers.

I became a follower of The Red Room on Twitter and was delighted to see myself billed as the 900th follower which got me a couple of mentions and a link to my Red Room page.

If anyone else would like to connect, I'd love to hear from you. And keep your comments on The Accidental Guru coming. They're so helpful.

Laura xx


Steven said...

I've heard of the Red Room before, but haven't tried it. I'll be interested to know how it goes. Currently, I use Critique Circle for all my writings. Overall, I've been pleased with it.

I'll send you a follow on Twitter.

Steven Till

Unknown said...

Hello, I went on Red Room. Have a peep at my profile and tell me what you think. My first novel in the genre you describe, One Apple Tasted is out this month.
Josa Young